
Why a conference on strategic marketing and emerging countries ?

The global landscape is witnessing a transformative shift as emerging countries assert themselves as economic powerhouses, propelling unprecedented growth (Sheth, 2011; Paul, 2019) and innovation (Agnihotri, 2015). However, this ascent is not without its intricacies, and marketers find themselves at the forefront of deciphering the unique challenges and opportunities presented by these dynamic environments. The field of strategic marketing becomes paramount in shaping successful trajectories for businesses seeking to thrive in the burgeoning markets of the developing world.

Contextualizing the Challenges

Emerging countries refers to “low-income, rapid-growth countries using economic liberalization as their primary engine of growth” (Hoskisson et al., 2000, p. 249). They are characterized by rapid industrialization, evolving consumer behaviors, and burgeoning middle classes, offer a tantalizing prospect for businesses eager to expand their footprint. Yet, beneath the surface of potential lies a tapestry of challenges that necessitate a nuanced understanding. These challenges span cultural diversity, regulatory intricacies, economic volatility, and infrastructural limitations, creating complexities for marketers (Sheth, 2011).

Cultural diversity, a hallmark of emerging countries, demands a departure from one-size-fits-all marketing strategies (Bang et al., 2016). Understanding and respecting these differences are fundamental prerequisites for establishing brand relevance and resonance in emerging markets.

Regulatory landscapes in emerging countries are often marked by fluidity and ambiguity (Burgess and Steenkamp, 2006). Navigating through regulatory frameworks requires a strategic acumen that extends beyond traditional marketing models. Marketers must cultivate an adaptive approach, remaining agile in response to evolving policies and leveraging regulatory changes as opportunities for innovation rather than impediments.

Economic volatility, a characteristic feature of many emerging economies (Javed and Khan, 2022), introduces an element of unpredictability that demands a recalibration of traditional marketing paradigms. The ebb and flow of economic fortunes necessitate marketing strategies that are not only resilient but also capable of capitalizing on opportunities that arise amidst uncertainty.

Infrastructural limitations, though gradually diminishing, still pose challenges (Koku, 2005). The digital divide, varying levels of technological adoption, and logistical hurdles require marketers to design strategies that account for these disparities. Bridging the gap between urban and rural markets, as well as addressing disparities in internet accessibility, becomes pivotal for crafting inclusive marketing campaigns.

While challenges abound, emerging markets also present unparalleled opportunities due to their vast size, untapped consumer bases, and the potential for substantial market growth. (Paul, 2019). Moreover, the digital revolution has democratized access to information and opened new avenues for engagement. Digital marketing, when calibrated to the specificities of emerging markets, can act as a potent catalyst for brand building and market penetration (Sridhar and Fang, 2019).

Shaping the Future of Strategic Marketing

This conference therefore seeks to explore and unravel the complexities of strategic marketing in emerging countries. Through empirical (qualitative and/or quantitative) articles and rigorous conceptual papers, we aim to contribute to the body of knowledge that informs effective marketing practices in these evolving markets. By dissecting the challenges and embracing the opportunities inherent in emerging economies, we endeavor to chart a course for the future of strategic marketing that is both insightful and transformative.

In such a context, we invite original research contributions that delve into, but are not limited to, the following themes:

-       Market entry strategies: exploring innovative approaches for successful market entry in emerging economies; adapting international marketing strategies to diverse cultural and regulatory environments, etc.

-       Consumer behavior: understanding the unique aspects of consumer behavior in emerging markets; analyzing the impact of cultural nuances and societal changes on consumer preferences, etc.

-       Digital marketing in emerging economies: investigating the role of digital technologies in shaping marketing strategies; assessing the effectiveness of digital channels in reaching diverse consumer segments, etc.

-       Sustainable marketing practices: examining the integration of sustainability into marketing strategies in emerging countries; assessing the impact of socially responsible marketing on brand perception and consumer loyalty, etc.

-       Innovation and technology adoption: studying the adoption and adaptation of marketing innovations in emerging markets, evaluating the role of technology in reshaping marketing practices in these dynamic environments, etc. 

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